
Spy fox in dry cereal wiki
Spy fox in dry cereal wiki

Always best to be prepared for these situations.

  • Xion: *smiles* I haven't forgotten them at all.
  • We'll keep in contact with you through the communicator watch. But you'll leave as soon as we prepared some gear for you.
  • Jeffrey: Technically, you won't be going alone.
  • Xion: *smiles and hugs them both* When do i leave?.
  • spy fox in dry cereal wiki

  • Jeffrey: *smiles and hugs her* That's our girl.

    Aqua: You know we got our hands full here.!!!!! Really?! Me? But why not do it together as a family? Jeffrey: We wanted to know if you were interested on going on a spy mission to locate the missing cows.Xion: *comes in the room and smiles* Yes, daddy? Mommy?.But i know.that she'll always be our little girl. Still.we'd better be certain if she feels ready for this. And if this Mobile Command Center has a lead on who's responsible for the dairy theft, we should use this knowledge to our advantage. Jeffrey: With her detective, computer and combat skills, I'm certain she'll do just fine.But are you sure she has all the training to become a spy? Jeffrey: I never intended to have her go alone.Aqua: Hold on, dear!!! *comes in the room* I saw the conversation you had.Jeffrey: Now to find Xion and get her ready.Monkey Penny: Contact us as soon as you're ready.*smiles* But i know who can help you out.

    spy fox in dry cereal wiki

  • Jeffrey: Well, my team and i have our hands full here in Toontown.
  • Monkey Penny: If you're willing to lend your help for this case.
  • We're planning on sending our best member on this case.
  • Monkey Penny: We believe we have a lead onto who's responsible.
  • Jeffrey: You say that your organization can help us stop all of this?.
  • Monkey Penny: Monkey Penny of Mobile Command Center.
  • (A female monkey appears on another screen).
  • One of their members is about to join us in this conversation.
  • King Mickey: Someone just informed me that they're organization can help.
  • Jeffrey: We're doing everything we can.
  • It's chaos in supermarket's without dairy products.
  • King Mickey: You should see the city, Jeffrey.
  • JARVIS Mark II: Sir? The King is on the video phoneline.
  • We don't know where to start looking though.
  • Jaden: We're working as hard as we can though.
  • He's really not happy about what's going on.
  • Jeffrey: The owner of the Toontown Dairy Factory.
  • spy fox in dry cereal wiki

    (In another room, Jaden overhears a phonecall Jeffrey's having).Twilight: If we can gather any information on where the cows were taken, we can also find the culprit responsible.Xion: I know, but my cousin's happiness comes first.DJ: Aren't you worried, Xion? If we can't find out what's going on, you may never have another Sea-Salt Ice Cream again!.Xion: *takes out her laptop* I'll start looking for any details of when the cows were taken.Aqua: Now to find out what's going on with the cow and dairy product shortage.Alexis: *smiles* Come with me, sweetie.*carefully takes Baby Lily out of Xion's arms and holds her* Aqua: Calm down! We'll get the milk back somehow.

    spy fox in dry cereal wiki

  • Tammy: This is horrible!!! No cows means now milk!!! And now milk means no ice cream!!! This is a nightmare!!!.
  • May: "Stolen"? Who'd do something like this?.
  • Weebo: No one knows why this is happening, but they're saying that cows are being stolen.
  • Weebo: Alexis? You might wanna see this.
  • !!!! Lily!!! Please!! Don't cry!!! It's gonna be okay!!! I promise!!! But before she can pour any in Lily's bottle, it's empty!!!*
  • Kion, Bunga, Fuli, Ono and Beshte will guest star in this.
  • So it's up to Spy Fox, Xion and her team to stop his plans and rescue the missing cows. The cows and all of the milk in the world have been stolen by a evil goat named William the Kid who plans to rule the dairy world with his "delicious" goat's milk.

    Spy fox in dry cereal wiki